Last month, despite the ongoing restrictions, a determined group of Old Boys managed to complete the 3rd Annual SAOBA Cycle Ride. Whilst the group could not meet in person, and thanks to technology they were able to join virtually using the newly formed SAOBA Strava Group!
Congratulations to this years SAOBA champion cyclist, Mike Collins, (class of 1980) a clear and deserving winner. Mike cycled 54 miles in the timed 3hr at an average speed of 17.95mph. His elevation gain was a huge 1149m, so he was in the running for King of the Mountains as well. Well done Mike Collins!
We were sorry to hear that Ian Taylor, our 2019 SAOBA champion and 2019 King of the Mountains had been struck down by Covid-19 a couple of weeks ago. But he made a great recovery – enough to ride again (despite medical advice!) and with his brother Peter Taylor he was in the running for KOTM again. The stats show that Ian climbed 1,244 metres but was just beaten by his brother Peter (class of 1981) who wins this years SAOBA KOTM with an elevation gain of 1245m. Congratulations to Peter Taylor, SAOBA King of the Mountains 2020. Sibling rivalry is strong, so next year will be interesting!
Our other seven riders all performed well. Dominic Leach (1981), Adrian Lewis (1984), Tony Dixon (1980), Daniel Dixon (2009), Mike O’ Kell (1980) and Simon Harrop (1980). Thank you everyone for participating.
If you would like to join this group and connect with your fellow SAOBA Cycle enthusiasts, it’s called the SAOB cycle club. You can find it on Strava by searching for SAOB in the clubs section. Click join and you’re in.